Delta PLC Simulator With ISPSoft 3.14 – How to do it? Delta ISPSoft (and WPLSoft) is a PLC programming software for multi-series of Delta Automation. With ISPSoft you can use simulator mode to check and test your program.
If you use Delta WPLSoft for PLC programming, refer to the post to use the PLC simulator on WPLSoft.
Delta PLC Simulator With ISPSoft 3.14 – What do you need?
Everything you need is a PC (or laptop) installed with Delta ISPSoft and COMMGR software. You can download and find more information on the previous post on 365EVN. We used ISPSoft 3.14 and COMMGR 1.13 – the latest version (until now) on Windows 10 x64.
Download all software on the Download page
The steps to use simulator mode on Delta ISPSoft
- Open Delta ISPSoft, and create a new project with your plc model.
- Programming the project. Then compile the project (Ctrl + F7) without any error.
- Open “COMMGR” -> “Add” and set the parameters for “Driver Properties”
- Driver name: Simulation
- Connection setup – Type: DVP Simulator (Or AH/AS Simulator)
- Device Setting – Device (only for DVP PLC): Your PLC series
- Click “OK” and then click “Start”

- Back to ISPSoft click “Tools” -> “Communication settings…” and select the drive just added.
- Download the program to PLC (Ctrl + F8) as normal.
- Turn on “Online mode” (Ctrl + F4) and run plc (Ctrl + F11).
- Right-click on the object (contact, variable) to change the present value of the object (value, set on, set off…). On ISPSoft simulator mode, you can not change an input contact (X contact). You can add a contact (M contact) to simulate it.

Guide video use PLC simulator mode on Delta ISPSoft
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Above we just guide you to use Delta PLC Simulator mode with ISPSoft on Windows 10. In the next post, we will guide you to make a connection from the Delta PLC Simulator to the Delta HMI on DOPSoft v4.0. With that, you can easily learn or test your program without any hardware.
If you have any questions please comment below.
See you in the next post!
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