Compare 3 Versions of Simatic WINCC (Flexible & V7.x & TIA) – Easy Quick-start WinCC

compare wincc flexible vs wincc 7.x wincc tia

How to select a WINCC software version from Siemens for the applications? This post, 365evn will compare the differences between 3 versions of Simatic WINCC (WinCC Flexible and WinCC v7.x and WinCC TIA Portal). Hope that you can easily select a version for your applications.

Simatic WinCC Versions – WinCC Flexible vs WinCC v7.x vs WinCC TIA Portal

You can download 3 versions of Simatic on 365evn – download area (Right side)

WinCC Flexible

WinCC Flexible is the simple and oldest version of Simatic WinCC. The latest version (until now) is WinCC Flexible 2008 SP5. Win CC Flexible is HMI Programming Software for the SIMATIC HMI devices as:

  • OP series (OP 73/77A/77B/270/277, OP micro…), TP series (TP 170, TP 177, TP 270, TP 277, TP micro…), MP 270B/370/377
  • Mobile Simatic HMI devices: Mobile Panel 170/277/277 IWLAN
  • Sinumeril, Simotion PC, Panel PC…

Depending on the version of the product (Basic/Comfort/Advanced/Professional), the devices can be configured as below

Simatic WinCC Flexible 2008 SP5 versions

WinCC Flexible 2008 is suitable software for single applications such as product machines, small lines…It can be used for a smaller stand-alone SCADA system, with limited functionalities.

We have one more version of Win cc Flexible WINCC Flexible SMART V3 for the Simatic HMI Smart line series. WINCC Flexible SMART V3 supports the operator panel: Smart 700, Smart 700IE, Smart 700IE V3, Smart 1000, Smart 1000IE, Smart 1000IE V3. The latest version is WinCC Flexible Smart V3 SP2.  For more information please read the previous post about  WinCC Flexible Smart.

Could be helpful for you:

WinCC v7.x (WinCC Classic)

Simatic WinCC V7.x is a SCADA (Supervisory Control And Data Acquisition) and HMI (Human-Machine Interface) software from Siemens. With WinCC V7 you can build a system from small to large. WinCC V7 can also be easily integrated with enterprise applications such as integration with high-level systems such as MES (Manufacturing Execution System) and ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning) system. Simatic WinCC V7.x is the best choice for complex applications or applications with redundancy architecture.

The latest version of WinCC Classic is V7.5 SP2, you can download it below link:

WinCC TIA Portal

WinCC TIA Portal is software for configuring and designing interfaces from the HMI control screen to the SCADA system running on the PC. The newest version of TIA Portal (until now) is V17. Depending on the version of the product (Basic/Comfort/Advanced/Professional), the devices can be configured:

  • WinCC Basic: Configure all Basic Panels (1st & 2nd Generation) as KP300 Basic, KTP 400/700/900/1000/1200 Basic
  • WinCC Comfort: For all the panels that can be configured with WinCC Basic (TIA Portal) and added Comfort Panels, Mobile Panels as OP73A, B, MP177/277/377…
  • WinCC Advanced: As WinCC Comfort, plus: SIMATIC PCs with WinCC Runtime Advanced (SIMATIC Rack PC, SIMATIC Box PC, Panel PC), SINUMERIK PC and Standard PC with WinCC Runtime Advanced.
  • WinCC Professional: You can also configure the PC-based Runtime system “WinCC Runtime Professional” in addition to the devices that can be configured with WinCC Advanced. With WinCC Professional you can design a SCADA system. With WinCC Professional, we have a SCADA system inside TIA Portal.
WINCC TIA Portal versions (Basic/Comfort/Advanced/Professional)
  • Note: From TIA Portal V15 the below devices are no longer supported on WinCC TIA Portal
    • WinAC MP 177/277/377 series
    • OP and TP 70/170/270 series.
    • Multi Panels 170/270370 series.
    • TIA Portal Panels with V11 Image

Download all TIA Portal versions on 365evn Here

Good luck!, Refer Siemens

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