S7-200 and WinCC Flexible. How to Make a Communication? Tutorial 1

wincc flexible runtime s7-200 connection p1 365evn

With the WinCC Flexible Runtime, you can control, monitor… the controller (PLCs) on your computer. In this post, we will guide you to communication between S7-200 and WinCC Flexible 2008 SP5.

Connect S7-200 and WinCC Flexible – What’s you need?

  • WinCC flexible Runtime 2008 SP5: WinCC flexible Runtime is a high-performance and comprehensive software for the visualization of processes in projects you created with the WinCC flexible Advanced programming software. When you install WinCC Flexible, the “Runtime” is included.connect s7-200 and wincc flexible
  • S7-200 PC Access V1.0 SP6: The software application that enables you to extract data from S7‑200 PLCs. You create tags for the PLC data and use the included test client for PLC communication.
  • Step7 Micro/WIN V4.0 SP9: The programmable software for S7-200 PLCs.
  • You can download all software above at the download area of 365electricalvn by following the links below. After downloading the software, please install all in one computer.
  • The laptop with Windows 7 SP1, 32-bit operating system
  • A controller (S7-200 CPU 224 CN) for communication PLC with WinCC flexible
  • A Siemens USB/PPI Multi-Master cable
  • Accessories: 24VDC power, wires …

Could be helpful for you:

Communication between S7-200 and WinCC flexible Runtime 2008

To connect S7-200 with WinCC flexible 2008, we need to work on all software listed above.

On Step7 Micro/WIN V4.0 SP9

  • Create and save the S7-200 project for your application.
  • Compile and download the project to the controller (PLC).
  • Note: Create the symbol table for all variables, input, and output (V, M, I, Q …), it helps you easily to manage, control, monitor… on the next step.

On S7-200 PC Access

  • Open the software. Click on “File” -> “Import symbols …”. And then browse to the S7-200 project file (.mwp) created in the previous step.
  • On the project tree, click on the name of the symbol table. All symbols will show on the screen.s7-200 pc access wincc flexible
  • Save the S7-200 PC Access project.

This tutorial pauses here, on the next post, we will continue with the steps on WinCC flexible 2008 SP5 software.

You can refer more about #hmi to plc on 365EVN 

Update about connecting PLC S7-200 and WinCC Flexible

  • All guide videos about PLC HMI, VFD and Servo programming by 365evn: Link 
-365EVN; Refer Siemens


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